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8 Car Wash Tips You Need To Know

Article first published Tuesday 1st Sep 2015 08:00

Cleaning your car to perfection is a fine art, but you don't need to be a professional detailer to achieve that showroom shine. Here's some top tips which will help you improve your car wash routine with minimum effort and maximum results.

How To Look After Your Genuine Chamois Leather

Article first published Monday 17th Aug 2015 13:22

Chammy or Microfibre? It's a question which splits the room when it comes to drying off your vehicle. Many people reach for the microfibre cloth simply because Chamois Leathers seem like too much hassle and anyway they fall apart dead quickly right? Well, you might be surprised to know that if you look after your Chammy, you could get plenty of service out of it. In fact, plenty of people swear by the Chamois' durability and ability to absorb around six times its weight in water.

Antifreeze and Coolant 101

Article first published Sunday 2nd Aug 2015 10:00

Antifreeze and coolant. They cause quite a bit of confusion for motorists who aren't in the know. In fact it's one of the most frequently asked topics put to the Tech Team here at Granville HQ. And it's no wonder that it causes people to scratch their heads over it because they are essentially the same product - just with different functions.

Jargon Buster: Translating your Motor Oil Bottle

Article first published Tuesday 14th Jul 2015 02:00

Grab your average bottle of motor oil off the shelf in your local retailer and you're confronted with a whole lot of jargon, acronyms and random numbers which will probably mean very little to you unless you're in the know. And let's face it, your owner's manual isn't much more help either. Sure it might give you a list of numbers and letters that translate into an oil spec that's suitable for your vehicle, but wouldn't you like to know what it all really means?

What your Oil is Trying to Tell you About the Health of your Engine

Article first published Tuesday 14th Jul 2015 02:00

Healthy oil makes for a healthy engine but it's not always obvious when your engine is a little under the weather. Luckily, symptoms of some engine problems are often visible by the condition of the oil. Here is a rundown of the problems your engine may have if you discover these symptoms during your next oil check.

Grease Specifications Explained

Article first published Tuesday 7th Jul 2015 10:00

Just as it is important to make the right choice when it comes to motor oil, so too is this true when choosing the right grease fir the job and, just like motor oils, different formulations will have different properties based mainly on the type and viscosity of the base oil, and the type and concentration of thickening agent used in the manufacturing process.

6 Motoring Problems to Watch Out for this Summer

Article first published Thursday 2nd Jul 2015 10:00

The Great British Summer is upon us - and boy has it made an entrance! Inconsistent temperatures, a heat wave, spontaneous torrential downpours and, of course, puffy red eyes and stuffed up noses for the Hay Fever suffers.